estate planning MLO Law, LLC estate planning MLO Law, LLC

3 Asset Protection Tips You Can Use Now

A common misconception is that only wealthy individuals and people in high-risk professions, such as doctors or lawyers, need an asset protection plan. However, anyone can be sued. A car accident, foreclosure, unpaid medical bills, or an injured tenant can result in a monetary judgment that could crush your finances. 

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estate planning MLO Law, LLC estate planning MLO Law, LLC

Caution: Your Traditional Asset Protection Plan Is Set Up to Fail

You may be surprised to learn that, not only has asset protection planning been around for a long time, but you likely have already engaged in it at some point. In fact, you probably have one or more types of traditional asset protection planning currently in place. The problem is, in many cases, the type of planning you have right now may not be enough to fully protect you and your family. 

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estate planning MLO Law, LLC estate planning MLO Law, LLC

Money Isn’t Everything in Estate Planning

Money and property may be the most discussed types of wealth that a person owns, but the riches of their experience and wisdom can mean even more to loved ones down the line. Reinforcement of family traditions can be built into your estate plan alongside your wishes regarding the distribution of your money, property, and belongings. After all, what really makes a family is its values and traditions—not the finances that are left behind. 

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